Constants for templates

What are constants for templates

You can use constants in templates.

For example, a constant can be a support phone number.

Constants can be different, depending on the region.

Creating and editing constants

The section for managing constants for templates is available via the main menu: Settings --> Constants for templates.

Only users with Administrator rights have access to this section.

The section displays a list of all constants. For each constant its name and value are displayed.

You can add new constants to the Platform by clicking the Create button.

Administrator can edit data of any constant by clicking Edit.

Assigning constants for templates to regions

Different regions can have different values for regional constants. For example, different regions can have a different customer support phone number, but in the e-mail template it will be indicated by the same constant everywhere, for example {{support-phone}}. The customer will see in the message the phone number that belongs to his/her region.

To specify different values of the constant, depending on the region, go to constant editing and click Create in the Constants for region block.

Last updated