Abandoned cart

What is an abandoned cart

An abandoned cart is a cart in the online store or mobile application in which the customer has put products but has not purchased them.

The cart is considered abandoned if one hour has passed since the last actions with the cart.

Information about the abandoned cart is stored for ten days starting from the moment the cart was last updated.

Carrying out campaigns for the abandoned cart allows you to increase the number of purchases.

How it works

Website has a JS tracker installed. For each customer action related to cart (adding product, removing product, changing the quantity of products, checkout) the website calls the JS-tracker method. The tracker transmits information to the Platform. If the Platform has identified the website visitor as a customer, information about his/her cart is communicated to this customer.

The abandoned cart is displayed in the customers profile until he/she places the order, or until the lifetime of the cart expires (ten days).

The following information on the abandoned cart is stored:

  • Date and time of the last access to the cart;

  • Contents of the cart.

You can create campaign for abandoned cart (Abandoned cart trigger). Cart is considered abandoned after one hour, after this time the trigger is activated. You can use the information about the time when the cart was created and the contents of the cart in communication with the customer.

In order to refer to the contents of the cart in communication with the customer, the following data should be uploaded in the Platform to the product directory:

  • Link to the product’s image;

  • Link to the product’s card;

  • Current price of the product;

  • Any other advanced product information that needs to be used in communication with the customer.

This data can be loaded through standard integration or through YML import.

Search for customers with abandoned carts in the Segment builder

To find all customers who have abandoned cart, go to the segment builder and enter: “There is an abandoned cart” “equal” “Yes”.

Viewing an abandoned cart in the customer profile

Information about products left in the abandoned cart is displayed in the customer profile.

Uploading information about the contents of the abandoned cart to a message

You can upload information about the abandoned cart in a message using the Template engine constructs. Here is an example of uploading information about contents of the abandoned cart:

Instructions for setting up an abandoned cart campaign

Abandoned cart campaign automatically sends a message to customers who have put products in their cart but have not completed the checkout. To increase conversion, remind customers after hours or days that they forgot products in their cart.

To set up a campaign for abandoned cart do the following:

  1. Create campaign with the Abandoned cart trigger.

  2. Add the Wait action. Specify waiting period of a few hours or days. (Remember, abandoned cart information is stored for maximum ten days.)

  3. Add the Filter customer action. Apply filter: "There is an abandoned cart = Yes". This should be done in order to send message only to those customers who have not yet completed the checkout (they may have done so during the waiting period).

  4. Add the Send e-mail action. In the e-mail provide information about contents of the abandoned cart.

Variant of campaign for an abandoned cart:

Last updated