
What is action

The action is an action that the Platform should perform to a customer profile that has been added to a campaign (send an e-mail, wait, apply a filter, set a tag, etc.).

As the action input, the campaign receives an array of customer profiles. As the action output, the campaign receives an array of customer profiles for which the action was executed.

What actions are available

The following actions are available on the Platform:

Creating an action

To create a new action in a chain, do the following:

  • Drag and drop an action from the action list into the field;

  • Or click on the action, and then click on the field:

Connect the action to the previous element of the campaign with the left mouse button. The connection should go from the red point to the blue one:

To remove a link, right-click on it.

The action in the campaign can be edited, copied or deleted. To do this, right-click on the action and select the desired option in the context menu that opens:

You can go to editing the action by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button.

Last updated