Main terms

Customer profile

Set of information about customer. Customer profile contains the following:

  • Customer attributes (for example, first name, phone number, gender, location, exterior metrics);

  • Customer transaction data (purchase or service order history);

  • Customer-related events (calls to the call center, visits to the website, etc.);

  • Metrics calculated by the Platform (quantity of orders, average customer receipt, last order date, RFM segment, etc.).


A set of rules that forms an array of customers united by a feature or set of features.

For each segment, the Platform stores selection rules of customer profiles and the current values of segment metrics: number of profiles, average receipt, LTV, etc.

The segments are recalculated several times a day.


Tagging allows you to create a named list of customers.

For example, you can select all customers who bought a laptop in 2019 and tag them "Laptop 2019".

Only those customers will be tagged, who fit the condition at the time the tag was created.

For example, if "Laptop 2019" was set in August, but the customer bought the laptop in September, he/she won't be assigned this tag.

More details about tagging.

Bulk mailing

A one-time task for the Platform to select customer profiles from specified segment and send them specified message. Today it includes: e-mail, SMS/Viber, push mailings.

Campaign/Communication chain.

A graph, describing the rules of interaction between the Platform and customer profiles. Campaigns are automatically executed by the Platform at regular intervals (once a minute, or less frequently).

Last updated